
About Me

Hello! My name is Slavyana and I live in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. I consider myself a person with a free spirit and boundless dreams. Back in my school years I started attending drawing lessons and I was fascinated by colors, shapes and aesthetics in general. I graduated with a master’s degree in “Health Management” at UNWE Sofia, but I continued my work in graphic design area. My curiosity about the vast world of visualizations encouraged me to apply my skills in a different type of project, namely building Web sites. For this purpose I attended trainings in the largest and most prestigious educational IT institution in Bulgaria – Softuni. I also was a part of the first complete Digital Marketing program, certified by the Ministry of Education and Science of Bulgaria, at IBSEDU – DigitalPro. I strive to constantly upgrade my knowledge and put it into practice. At this stage I am successfully developing several own projects and helping other people, organizations and companies to promote themselves online.



About Me

Hello! My name is Slavyana and I live in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. I consider myself a person with a free spirit and boundless dreams. Back in my school years I started attending drawing lessons and I was fascinated by colors, shapes and aesthetics in general. I graduated with a master’s degree in “Health Management” at UNWE Sofia, but I continued my work in graphic design area. My curiosity about the vast world of visualizations encouraged me to apply my skills in a different type of project, namely building Web sites. For this purpose I attended trainings in the largest and most prestigious educational IT institution in Bulgaria – Softuni. I also was a part of the first complete Digital Marketing program, certified by the Ministry of Education and Science of Bulgaria, at IBSEDU – DigitalPro. I strive to constantly upgrade my knowledge and put it into practice. At this stage I am successfully developing several own projects and helping other people, organizations and companies to promote themselves online.



Guiding principles in the work process

added value

You will receive additional technical solutions related to your project.

efficient workflow

Fast and high-quality fulfillment of the undertaken commitments.

focus on detail

The small details make your Website to look complete and professional.


To effectively represent your business and attract more customers



Websites based on the most popular CMS platform WordPress



An extremely powerful tool for local business development



Designing banners and creating images according to the client’s concept

Latest Projects

Websites based on the most popular CMS platform WordPress

Beauty Center Website
Company Website
Online store for bee products
Website of Kindergarten
 Website of a cleaning company
Website – product catalog
Website – product catalog
Online store
Online store
Online store – Onepage design


What do the people who trusted me say

Our company has been on the Bulgarian market for many years, but we didn’t have online presence. After our joint work, everyone can easily find us and get acquainted with the activities and products we offer. Thanks to the website, the Google business account and the Facebook page, we receive a significant number of more inquiries and sales.


Sales Manager

Our organization had a site that no longer met our needs and modern requirements. We are pleased that we now have a modern online vision, we receive monthly support, as well as periodic updating of current information. I hope that in the future we will maintain our good working relations.

D. Stoilova


I managed to make my dream of having my own online store come true. We have built a complete concept – product selection, brand vision, system integration with supplier and sales channels. We continue to work to achieve our goals and to develop the brand worldwide. Thanks to S.N. for their efforts and enthusiasm!

D. Manolova


Contact Me!

Describe your project and make an inquiry. I will be happy to answer all your questions.

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